As with all good ideas, it started to take shape around the kitchen table! To cut a very long story short, my cleaners were about to be made redundant. I was at a loose end and said (quite naively) I’ll start a cleaning business and you can be my cleaners, the Squeeky Cleaners was born. This grew very rapidly, outgrowing the kitchen area and within a year we were looking for a unit that would accommodate our growing Squeeky family.
We even won an award, coming second best start-up in Wiltshire in 2018. The Squeeky Cleaners are one of the most trusted cleaning and linen companies in the local area, serving clients within a 15 – 30 mile radius of Chippenham.
We are highly rated in most search engines and we work very hard to maintain this. We are incredibly proud of what we have built in such a short space of time and want to continue to expand in an organic, methodical way. Building on our reputation and offering more services and products to our clients, new as well as existing.
At the same time, several domestic and small commercial clients were asking if we did laundry…well, I thought, why not kill 2 birds with one stone and get a unit big enough to accommodate a small laundry and pick up some new laundry clients along the way!
Word soon got out that we were now providing laundry and linen hire and in summer of 2018 we went live offering our services to the wider hospitality and leisure industry.
A year later, the laundry, now known as Squeeky Laundry and Housekeeping has grown so much that it is now our main business. The cleaners arte now merged into the laundry as one business which allows us to provide a one stop, all inclusive laundry and housekeeping service to our hospitality clients. We not only offer laundry services, but linen hire & housekeeping to micro, small and medium sized businesses.
I’ve always been interested in having my own organic range of products, having spent 18 months training in aromatherapy and holistic massage some years ago. The results I saw when organic oils and food were combined, helped not only my daughters skin, but promoted well-being within the home.
By sheer coincidence, or fate…when we moved to the unit a few doors up from us was a chemist, specialising in…organic solutions. With the help of my friendly local chemist and the cleaning teams we started trialling several cleaning products. The results were huge, one of my team suffers from contact dermatitis; within 2 weeks of using the organic products her skin looked and felt completely different. The before and after photos on the website will show you the difference.
Due to the success and popularity of these we launched these and associated eco-friendly, organic products for the home in late 2019. All our cleaning products are 100% Natural, Organic, Chemical Free, Vegan and Pet Safe. So, the third and final phase in the Squeeky life was the launch of The Squeeky Shop.
That’s the story of The Squeeky Group…..it all started in the kitchen, like all good parties! We would love you to join the Squeeky family through one of our services, if not all of them!
Hope to speak to you soon. As always, warm regards,
Claire x